...well, that's what leaders do...

Picture Credit - Pinterest


noun. /ˈlidə/ 


How to define a leader? Is that you? Or is it me? Maybe someone you know?

    Well, the Britannica Dictionary defines a leader as a powerful person who controls or influences what other people do and leads a group, organization, country, etc. Leaders aren't just ones standing on stages, speaking just during political rallies; as school students, there are class monitors; as employees, we've managers; and as a community, political representatives. The idea behind this long list was to emphasize on the part that leaders are everywhere. It's not a rare sight, but one must have an appreciative lens. 

              Even after reading several definitions of a leader and watching videos on “How to be a successful leader”, here are some points that are stopping you from becoming your ideal leader:

  1. Vocalize your aspirations - communicate!

    Thanos wanted the infinity stones and he said it out loud- to his enemies and his friends. That's the takeaway, tell your teammates what are your short & long-term visions and goals. You must clearly articulate the numbers and data you're aiming, for to your team. It opens a way for your team to respond and who knows you could receive better ideas as feedback. That'll also define you as a good listener, another feather to your leadership cap.

It's never too late to consider constructive criticism.

        2 .   Take one step at a time - strategize!

    Everyone has got the same twenty-four hours, yet some of us make it look like we have twenty-five. Oh no, not literally, but metaphorically. Good leaders can develop and execute effective strategies to achieve their goals. This demands the ability to plan, assess risks along with opportunities, and come to a sound decision. Being strategic doesn't mean you'll be eliminating the percentage of failure, but rather you'll be prepared if and when something unfortunate happens. 

Anticipate risks and uncertainties - it is a part of planning.

Don't forget to:

+Assess how much time you've got and what the workload

+ Prioritize the tasks and pour efforts accordingly 


           3. Don't do it all by yourself - delegate!

    Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye were archetypes of their fields, but it took The Avengers to create the magic! The assembling was the need of the hour! Every individual has their strength and weakness. As a leader, you must work with both sides of the coin. So why do you need to work on your own when you have got a team? In your words, you've got your Avengers! Make sure to define roles and responsibilities for your team members, and trust them in the process. Guide them to showcase their skills and lay off the unnecessary pressure on you as a leader.

Delegation is a skill and you must try to master it.

            4. Loosen the grip - but be accountable! 

     With a beautiful rose comes some thorns; it's possible there will be undesirable or unexpected results. Good leaders are accountable for their decisions, both good and bad. They are willing to take responsibility for their successes and failures. Instead of sulking in with remorse, improvise. Be ready to address the setbacks and challenges with a prospect instead of holding onto loss. What's your first thought when something goes wrong? The consequences, right! You can't undo the damage, so make sure you fix the expected bumps on your way to success. 

If the above-mentioned points aren't effective and practical, can you tell us how S.H.I.E.L.D., Peaky Blinders, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Hell existed without Nick Fury, Tommy Sheldon, Peter Quill, and Lucifer?

/ɡʊd ˈlʌk/


  1. Quite informative and well written.....specially the way you use marvel characters to describe it.

    1. appreciate you reading it and then dropping a comment!

  2. Great article! The comparison with iconic characters like Thanos, Iron Man, and The Avengers adds a unique touch. Vocalizing aspirations, strategic planning, delegation, and being accountable are indeed crucial leadership traits. The references to S.H.I.E.L.D., Peaky Blinders, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Hell bring a creative spin to illustrate the importance of leadership in various contexts.
    Good luck!

    1. Thankyou for your appreciation!! Means a lot.

  3. I wish research articles were also written with references from Marvel😂. Loved the work.

    1. Haha, you mean we need more people like us in research!

  4. It's worth the time i "strategized".
    Good one.😊

  5. Nice one. As others pointed out in the comments, the way you used Marvel characters to describe your points was great.

  6. From a listener to speaker, from an analyser to being considerate about everyone's skills, and then finally leading ourselves to become effective leaders. Yes Yes Yes! Totally get you. Really enjoyed reading this.

  7. Your blog adeptly navigates the intricate facets of leadership with a blend of intellectual insight and a casual tone, making it both engaging and enlightening. Well done Shreya. Keep writing!✨

  8. honored to read your valuable feedback, anonymous

  9. Nice blog di keep doing it. Your junior from Mes.

  10. बहुत बढ़िया विश्लेषण करने की क्षमता निखर रही है।


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