On Friendship

Francis Bacon's famous essay Of Friendship comes to my mind right when I am writing this blog on friendship. His philosophic narrations along with individual opinions are the highlights of the text. I have had the opportunity to read them recently. When I came across the titles of the essays; it was attractive. I was impressed with how simple yet comprehensive it was to name the works this way. Let's not continue with what Bacon said about friendship, let me begin with why I wanted to compose this literary piece.

    It was friendship day yesterday and I received warm texts from my friends from different institutions and places that I've made over this tiny life of mine. Feels good to be remembered, doesn't it? So here's my version of, Of Friendship.

    It'll develop over the years or maybe in less time than you expect it to. You'll be surprised by the multifaceted wonders it has to offer you. Of meeting people who are not at all like you yet you'll carry them in your heart wherever you go. The recent transition sealed the fact. You go to a new place, and have a conversation with the old people. Both literally and metaphorically. How? Either you call them and tell them you're feeling low etcetera, or you have a conversation in your head. You know what they'll say, how will they react, and what exact words are they going to utter. More like the compatibility you form over moments spent together. That'll make you less anxious about the new uncertainties. I've been there, trying to call my favorite person amidst the nervousness. For me, it was never about just one person, but rather about a lot of people. All of them, from different habitats, for different habitats. It aligns better this way, better than just relying individually.

    Whenever I am with my younger cousins; they make me relive those friendship moments. Preparing gifts, telling them there's one best friend, frequently visiting their houses, being irritated by their non-reciprocity, and top of all, "They didn't sit with me in the class today!" All of it. Aditi and Akshita keep the child in me alive. The last time when I visited them, we made candles utilizing their candle kit. Aditi said how she wants to make one for her friend, Aanya. I smiled and asked if it was her birthday soon. She said, arey Didi aapko nahi pata, friendship day aane wala hai. That made me wonder, with a tint of guilt, if I was too busy to even wish my friends.

But guess what, it was the month of June.

L to R - Aanya, Aditi, Elsa, and Akshita

There are different kinds of beginnings for a friendship. My friends reading this would relate or find themselves being categorized in one. The sour beginnings. The typical friendship where you narrated how you hated the person in the beginning. One of my closest friends ganged up on me on my first day and even instructed her followers, uss nayi ladki se baat mat karna. Is typical Bollywood plot much?
     The next in the list, are incidental ones. You're in your playground, someone approaching- boom- you're friends for life. Some are good, to begin with, but forget to follow up. While giving each other space, they tend to miss the idea that I've had friendships that flourished after I was done with the workplace or the institution. That feels like a return gift, a good one. More on the list include friends who were supposed to be rude, expected, and presumed to be rude, but turned out sweet as sugar or at least sweet enough to cancel the sour moments of our lives. I'm fortunate to have an endless list of them.

    There are certain bonds that are not with friends but are examples of great friendships. Wondering what the hell did I just blurt out? Well, you figure it out on your own. 
    I could go on with the list forever. After all, that's why the blog idea. Or else all these clusters of words would be in an individual's quota, bearing, just because they have no option; (Didi will relate- if she's here).

You drop how your initial days of friendship were?

Till then, keep irritating them(who? Friends obviously) by discovering new ways and techniques.

Until next time I come up with words and words,



  1. From : us nayi ladki se bat ni krna
    To: being the closest one.Time changed.


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