Anomalus Dreams


The world we are in, the world we wish to create

Isn't it interesting how you and I live in the same world, yet our worlds are so distinct? Distinct in shape, size, and number as well. You must be wondering what I just mentioned, and we live in just one world; the only world whose map we studied in our preliminary classes- with Asia, Africa, America, and other continents. But I beg to differ; I believe we live in the world we create- the world of our actions and their consequences. By actions and consequences, I am not pointing at the after-life philosophies. It simply means if we study, we shall pass; if we work hard, we shall succeed; and if we offer, we’ll get it back. 

I have noticed the differences in our worlds when I look at my friends from comparatively lower financial classes. Instantly I feel grateful to my parents for providing me with my education. At that point, purchasing a book looks like a great deal from that friend’s point of view. Similarly, when I visited my village, I could not stop wondering about the neighbor’s daughters who spent their lives doing household chores. I am not trivializing the duties, but instead thinking about how must they feel. For them, attending to familial demands is the only task they’ll ever be considerate of. Is she missing out on the colors of education? Of experiencing the experiences of traveling, of meeting new people, and many others! Maybe or maybe not.

I believe in destiny, so I know I can not change anything for myself- let alone for anybody else. This awareness helps me to focus on what I can do. Being financially dependent on my parents, I used to think I could not do anything. However, this has changed over time. I try to aid what is within my capabilities. One of the underestimated things we can offer is to talk- to have a conversation. Sometimes, a conversation helps more than anything else. So now, I try to provide my views and share the resources that I have. Being an extrovert it is no big deal, and when I do, I feel great. 

Despite the differences people have, I wish to create a world-

…where we observe beyond the ordinary

If you develop some observatory skills while walking on the road, you will witness the differences and the similarities that we share with people around us. The cobbler has its own story, the vendor, the sweeper, the cook, and all of them. When I mention we live in the world we create, I do not mean anything grand, but I mean all the little things that matter.

While walking out of the workspace, it’s a regular sight to spot the sweeper performing their task. You have two options, you either walk straight on the just-cleaned floors that will leave stains after they are dried, or you wait for some seconds. It won’t harm you to be kind to somebody. Yes of course if you’re already running late, you could just look at them, smile, and walk over. I am sure they will be happy for you to smile at them. None is asking you to do their job, but at least a warm gesture will make their day.

…where I am that kind stranger

Remember the last time a stranger was kind towards you and you could not stop sharing that one story after that incident? Well, why not become that one stranger?  

The idea should not be just of benefiting someone, but rather passing it to the next deserving person. I am among the younger ones in my house. I have always had the privilege of ample resources. Resources? Human resources! Now that I am a grown-up, I want to pass on whatever I have, to someone younger. I have had juniors who utilize the materials provided efficiently. I could not express the joy in words when they came up sharing their success stories. Well not just to the known one, how about the unknown? I started traveling alone in high school, and I wonder about people I meet on public transport sometimes. Just people and their actions.

Incident one - We know how our railways work. The delay is always there, either half an hour or ten hours. Once I was sitting at the station which was not too big. Because of the lack of public transport around the station, I went to the station as early as I could. On reaching the station, I realized it was going to be difficult. Chanting God’s name I chose a place to sit. After being there for an hour, I was surprised by the surroundings. Whoever passed by, kept on asking me if I was right and if I needed some help. In fact, an old man with his grandchild sat next to me and asked why none of my family members came to pick me up. 

It was none of their business to worry about me. Go to a metropolitan city, and you will realize what am I saying. The point is, their gestures, and their actions force me to become that one kind stranger who will do the same if I find someone in a similar state.. 

Incident two - Post covid, I was all ready to go to college. It was my first time living in a hostel. Instead of being mindful about the weight of my luggage I wanted to just take everything with me. As a result, the bag was as heavy as a mountain. My friends came to see me at the station but I was supposed to travel alone. While I was on the train, I kept thinking about how will I manage to pull the bag out of the train. Two brothers were traveling together and they sensed my trouble. They initiated the conversation, and instead of judging them from the movies and reality shows we came across, I did talk to them. 

Time passed and it was time to get off. They were supposed to get off the same station and that’s when they offered help. That bag looked like a bag with a corpse. They dropped me out of the station. The point is, now whenever I see a person struggling with their luggage, I make sure at least to ask them once. Maybe they don’t need help. But what do I do, I am in debt with that one stranger’s help, and I should clear it off.

There are more such incidents. I wish I could write all of them. While writing this, the faces of so many people are flashing. I remember how my mother’s phone was stolen while we were traveling to my uncle’s place and a group of young friends decided to help with 100 Rs. This was 15 years ago and I am still grateful.

 Did they know me? Who was I to them? Guess we don’t need an identity to help, just humanity in our hearts. They turned me into a stranger who received a stranger’s help and is trying to propagate. 

…where success is subjective

One of the incidents that changed my perspective, to form an opinion about people, was the theory of the Ecological Systems by Bronfenbenner. The theory is about how an individual is a result of their surrounding. This theory stopped me from blaming people for who they were. I no longer trivialize small victories. The theory suggests that we are born in different ecosystems and most of our situations are the result of our parents’ choices. I understood why is it a big deal to talk on the stage for them and not me; I understood why it was easy for me to initiate conversation and not them; I understood why I was not afraid of uncertainties and they were, and I understood why their pocket money was double of mine. I am not bragging about my unfortunate life events, it makes me sad- most of the time. With time I have started being happy for others instead of being sad about my lack of resources. I am happy my friend got into her dream university; I am happy my friends is about to go on her first abroad trip; I am happy my junior delivered a speech in English. I wish to create a world where success is subjective. Someone having only one arm should be celebrated for doing chores all by themselves; someone who just came out of mourning must be appreciated for dealing with the loss. 

…where differences are accepted

Tarra Yosso’s Community Cultural Wealth model (2005) supports a similar idea. She begins by saying this world would be a better place if we accept our differences. There won’t be any spot for anyone to be bullied. The repetitive clothes, the dark skin, and the choices will not be a matter of ragging at least. Yosso propounded the model to raise the consciousness of what capital people of color bring to the places they go.

I started traveling alone in high school. I have had travel history and considering my age, it's too much. The surprising part is that it was a great experience after all of my journeys. I was fortunate not just to read moral science in the book but to witness it in the real world. I saw the stereotypes being broken when a lady managed a crisis better than the man beside her when a beggar showed mercy more than the educated people who stood and watched, when the teacher failed to interpret my intentions but the school helper did, and when an army man was kinder than the civilian next to him. That is when I understood, that the books do provide examples, but not all of them. The rest of them are to be explored on our own.

When I mentioned the celebration of differences, I meant it beyond all the criteria that could make a difference. I remember, being a child, I was never restricted to making new friends. The current headlines spread a sense of fear in me, specifically the communal disharmony. It forces me to think even after being so advanced with our resources, what is the need for religion-based, caste-based, color-based discrimination? It makes me sad for the future generations, and the precious friends will they be deprived of. They won’t be able to witness cultural differences but rather grow up hating them. How sad! 

While being a literature enthusiast, I happen to read a few books. I can not explain the sadness of reading about a character being tortured by their differences. I think I'm more mature than my age, and sometimes it makes me feel burdened. But just 3% of the time, when it is too much and I can not handle it. The rest of the time, I'm happy about it. And I think it's my privilege. Nobody is born with all the qualities, we grow up learning and de-learning. I've had good people around me, so I look forward to reciprocating.

…where death is not the end of life

Sounds abrupt? Well, that’s what Hindu mythology believes in, isn't it? Or else why the last rites, why the Karmic Philosophy! 

Death scares people; it scared me too- but not anymore. That should not make me a cold-hearted person, I suppose? I lost a lot of people to death at a very young age, including my father. I know nothing will ever replace the love of a father, but then life went on and I was blessed with a lot of protective figures. I have had friends who made sure I was not in trouble alone but rather helped me to their best. I have had mentors who loved me like their own family, and I have had several relations filling in for the absent ones.

The reason why I mentioned death not being an end to life is because people go, and their memories live long enough. More than any person could survive. My grandparents are no longer in this world, but guess every gesture similar to their habits reminds me of them. My love for nature would keep me closer to my Dadu (grandfather). Every time I plant a new tree or witness afforestation, I would recall taking a tour of my garden with him. I never peel off  Litchi, without remembering him. That is how we live in their absence.

Nor marbles, nor the gilded monuments

Of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme

-William Shakespeare

Shakespeare supports my hopeful world.

…where I create the world I aspire

What world would I wish to create? Well, who wants unfortunate events for themselves?

Aristotle theorized tragedy purifies our soul. What is tragedy? It has nothing to do with the death of our knowns or similar incidents. You don't lose people only due to death, you can lose people to incidents, to secrets, to conversations, and mistrust. A tragedy is all of your nightmares, all of your discomforts where you know you are just unable to proceed. It is the unimagined lowest of your life. And you transform when someone is there for you at a time. I have been blessed with good people, and good resources yet there were times that taught me kindness. My mom is a teacher, with an average salary, yet she managed to provide me education that her salary won’t permit. She works hard. I see it. That purifies me as an offspring and forces me to give her the qualitative returns. My tragedies of life are not major, I’m glad, yet they have taught me most of what it takes to be called a human.  

I was fortunate enough to build a family outside my biological family. The prompt ‘world we are in, world we wish to create’ encouraged me to come up with this essay not to brag about the rich experiences I have had. It was an attempt to express gratitude to my world. The world is visible only to me because I am a believer. The world that I believe in exists and it shows up. My world is full of people, events, situations, and everything that has made me a better person. My world is not an ideal one, but a dimension that will not hurt any soul intentionally and leave them behind in the race for success. Being a practical person, I have my own ways, and my optimism is always with me. I call myself spiritual and I believe in God. I find Him in places where I need Him. This essay is just a sign for you to start believing in your world, and it will show up I promise.



  1. You made me read something good today!❤️

  2. In whichever place uncle would be he will be proud of the person you are today and eventually turning into.❤️ Your each and every words connect with people 's heart hence ,I won't call it just a Blog.keep going Even I am proud of u ❤️


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