The World of Words

" Life happens in the literature department." My professor once quoted in class. I was not sure what she meant by that; until recently. I am almost done with graduation now. As I write this, I know how am I feeling. All the flashbacks, all the struggles the graph of victory and loss is just in front of my eyes. Maybe I am just being dramatic, but a little justification for it- an extrovert, at the end of an important phase of her life, about to end and begin new relationships- what else are you expecting? So about the quote I mentioned, it is quite true for me at least. Every situation now feels like a plot, somewhere preplanned or matches with the plot of some story, novel, or poem I have read. The solutions too revolve around books now. I feel disheartened, and I look for a quote to calm myself. Ruskin Bond's A Little Book of Happiness has been a savior lately. I feel happy, and I look for a quote to explain the feeling. Almost similar happens with, hatred, emptin...